5 Flexible Ways For Students To Make Money
If you are in colleg or highs chool or middle school. You can use these tips.
Theses tips do work if you apply them and you are consistent.
If your looking for a get rich quicker this is not the place.
You get in what you put in.
These Tips to make money can become a passive stream of income you however just have to work very hard in the beginning to get it off the ground and have some faith.
1. Dividend Stock
A dividend is a share of a company's profits distributed to shareholders and usually paid quarterly, like a bonus to investors.
2. Side stack huslte
This is a great website. It offer ways to earn money It just reallly so helpful. Obvisoulsy you will do your research before doing.
3. Youtube
Youtube is anoter great platform to earn money from. From Ads and Sponserships. Its easy to begin but a bit of discipline and consistentcey is need. Then you will reap the ewards you desire.
4. Blog
A blog is reallly great. Your write about whateveer intrest you. Build an audience. And soon enough you can incorperate links for people to buy stuff and earn a little commition form that. Build a vey loyal group of cstomers that would love to support you and be subscribed to your blog for excluive content. This will take a while to build up but it can be great.
5. Affilate Markting
This is very similar to dropshipping the only diffrence is you get paid either per click on link or everytime someone buys a product you are promoting. You can earn money, however before that can happen you need place where buyers will come either social media account or on a blog. You need to get traffic coming to your pages to increase chances of earning mony when people click on the link or buy. This might take time but it is worth it. Yes the commison is small but if you have the right target and good plan this can become very lucrative and you can really earn some money.